Do you want to learn how to recognize and taste wines in a simple, fun and free way?

you are in the right place!

join the Mr Taste Wine Club

The Italian community dedicated to wine, where you enter as a curious and leave as an expert

We have created a private group on Facebook to bring together all wine lovers like you.
In our community you will learn how to:

Mr Taste Wine Club

Who is Mr taste?

Hi, I’m Francesco
and a few years ago I decided to create, together with the help of few wine experts, Mr Taste.
Before I tell you who Mr Taste is, I want to take a step back and tell you about how this adventure began.
I have always been a wine lover, a curious, but certainly not an expert.
During a dinner with friends, which many of them were sommeliers and wine producers, I tasted for the first time a wine from a small cellar unknown to me. I don’t remember the producer, but I remember that my friend Ugo, a renowned sommelier, realizing my enthusiasm, asked me a question: “Can you describe the sensations you are experiencing? “.

I didn’t really know how to answer. In my life, I have always managed to talk about everything, but in that moment I couldn’t find the right words. The only thing that came out of my mouth was: “It’s a very good wine and it gives me good sensations, but I can’t tell you why”.

Ugo laughed, appreciating the sincerity, and began the describe the wine for me, his description was simple, but he was perfectly able to put into words what I was feeling in that wine: taste, aromas… without neglecting any particular.

At the end of the explanation… eureka an idea!

Everyone should have a sommelier friend ready to give advice and to discover the secrets behind a glass of wine, in a simple and fun way.
Thanks to the help of Ugo and other professionals in the sector, Mr Taste was born, a virtual friend ready to guide you to the discovery of wines with tips, notions and some curiosities, to transform  wine lovers become aware drinkers.

Mr Taste Wine Club

Why join our community?

Insights, notions and curiosities about Wine. All the answers you were looking about the world of tasting, as well as a space for sharing and compare your knowledge with expert sommeliers and wine lovers like you.

Learn to understand wines while having fun

Create a perfect food / wine pairing

Discover labels known only by experts

Drink well without spending a fortune

Confrontation with sommeliers and experts in the wine sector

Choosing the right wine for every occasion

Are you looking forward to joining the community?

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